Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sports Day? Nap Day?

I guess it is "sports day at our house. My son Dan visited and he and Greg watched the Gopher's basketball, and than a football game that New York won. Now another football game. Emma and I watched some but also snuck in a nap. I didn't do much else. I don't understand football completely but do watch it some with my husband and kids.

We are enjoying the day in any case. Emma sure likes to cuddle with me whether watching tv, napping, or sleeping at night. I guess we both needed a day without much activity today!

Emma is so dear to me. Oh I say that a lot. But I mean it sincerely. I am so fortunate to have her in my life. She keeps me company, helps with chores, and just brightens my day in so many little ways. Thanks to Judy Michurski and family her foster family (I will NEVER be able to thank them enough) for training her and socializing her. When we have been out and about this week I am continually reminded of how well she handles social situations. Thanks also to Helping Paws Staff (Pam and Eileen and others that's YOU) who were part of her days when she was training and "working" with Judy at Helping Paws.

The teachers, the volunteers who raise money and so many involved with Helping Paws were involved in making sure Emma was trained and able to come into my life. Thanks to Board Members, Committee members and so many who were involved.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart?

Emma is shedding like crazy!!! Why at this time of year? We met someone in public that told me their dog was doing the very same thing. He wondered if it was the contrast between the outside cold air, and heated indoor air?????? I have no idea. I would be interested to know if any readers are having the same experience with their dogs!!

Emma is waiting for me to cuddle and we will watch the football game. Time with my son and husband is something to cheer about. I am more likely to watch baseball but am treasuring the day.

Emma and Mary

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