Saturday, January 16, 2010

Emma Turns 7 in 7 Days

Emma and I got to go with Greg to do errands. Gosh I miss driving myself. Anyway one stop was Petco for food, a new brush, and treats for Emma...oh and a nail trim. She liked everything but the trim. We went to target, a meat market, dry cleaners well you get the idea. It is over 30 I think and sunny...we even saw people wearing shorts. YES in MN IN The Winter we celebrate anything above freezing.

It was such a pleasure to be outside with Emma. She let me brush her good also. Brushing is sometimes fine with her and sometimes she wants to avoid it. We treat her for it though. She is shedding so much. Even after a thorough brushing I noticed when I pet her a few hours later I got an awful lot of hair in my hand.

It is such fun to see all the children exclaim "there is a dog in the store". She gets lots of praise, oohs and aws from people as we go down the aisles at Target. She is so well behaved and it shows there. One poor family the little one barely walking wanted the dog so bad. They let her walk till she started running toward the dog. Then I ran into them several times and she would get mad because she wanted to see the dog. Once I realized this, I changed my path so we were not in the same section of the store as I was not in any hurry. Emma got some extra walking in while I used the scooter. The roads around my house are still much to icy for Emma and I to venture out with the scooter. The nature paths/walking paths are not shoveled either.

Now Greg and I are working on this and that chores around here. Emma helped me with folding laundry, watched curiously as Greg put up a new curtain rod in the family room and new light in the laundry room. Never a shortage of things to do. I find it easier to be in a good mood since I am not dizzy today, and we got outside the house. I love my house but after just so many days it feels good to go somewhere. Even errands for a few hours. Remember I don't work so I get to be home a lot.

When I worked I never imagined being retired and not for medical reasons. Being disabled and unable to work due to health is the pits. Some weeks I really struggle to keep up a good attitude. Emma however helps me stay happy and helps me find reasons to play with her in the snow, or in the house.

We were looking (she and I) for ideas for a birthday present. She has toys but I think some new plain old balls to fetch might be needed. They get gross over time? She has her favorite toys - well I will think about it all.

The countdown continues...7 days.

Vikings play tomorrow and one of my sons will be joining us for sure. Not sure if Rosa's family will be here or not. Go Vikings.

Emma keeps looking at me as I have not napped (I slept late). She knows the typical routine. Counting the days till her birthday is fun. Emma is delightful.

E-extremely helpful
M-magnificient personality
M- marvelous company
A- attractive, awesome, and appreciated

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