Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday - book club was interesting. Our group has been meeting for six years. Some of us have been there since the beginning and others have joined us over the years. Due to health, moving or other things we loose some members. But gosh aren't we fortunate to be together. We have good discussions. Emma seems happy there too.

Tuesday - We were home today. My ride fell through for swimming and it was too late to make other arrangements. My back up couldn't go either. Emma and I relaxed and took it easy. It was pretty chilly again so even she didn't seem interested in being outside as much as usual. We are going out to do a few errands tonight so she will get some walking in soon. That will be good for her.

Thanks so much for reading out blog. I will try to be creative, or insightful in upcoming days. Emma needs to go outside again. It is 6:30 here so time for us to head out and get our tasks done. Greg of course is our driver.

We had a good day,

Emma and Mary

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