Monday, December 20, 2010

It Looks Like Christmas - snowy day today

Yes Emma there is a Dog Santa and he brought you more snow today and another snowfall is due thursday your snowy dreams are coming through. It is getting deep for her but we shovel a bit (Greg does) and she makes her own trails and uses them like her little doggy freeway through and around the yard. I never tire of watching her play and run and explore. Last time she tried to fetch a toy she didn't find it!! Surprising. But the snow in that part of the yard was too deep for me to venture into so it will just wait....

How are you doing for Christmas? I had hoped to have more organizing done as I thought I was having more of my kids staying overnight. That bedroom tends to be a catch all room. But anyway I have had a few melt downs in tears. I LOVE this season of the year, the Christmas Music, Christmas Music, Christmas Gatherings and yes the snow since I don't have to drive in it or shovel it. But everything takes energy and that is tough on me. I anticipate/expect I can do more than I can around the house, preparation, wrapping all the things that make the holiday special. Christmas baking except for my pumpkin cake is all I am doing.

I get way to stressed and part a big part is just me. The Gundersen family gathering Sat was enjoyable and Weinand Christmas brunch Sunday Fun. But of course they tire me out. I forget to allow nap time when things get hectic which is not good for me...or rest time works.

Even as a child I would try to do too many crafts and things for long as I can remember (and my husband agrees) I plan more than I can accomplish which is truly my mistake. So I am trying to calm down and know it will be fine.

Believe it or not, even with things to do, i took time for a movie with my friend. HOW do YOU KNOW was cute and funny. Emma was great. I had not seen this friend for several weeks as she has been at Mayo Clinic for health concerns. It was a matter of priorities and I am certain spending time with her was the right choice.

We will rest a bit and then do chores. I have a few things I really want done today - others I can spread out through the week. Greg does not work tonight, the Vikings play outside due to the Metrodome collapse in a snowstorm. Hope no one gets hurt. i can't believe all seats are general admission due to the venue now being U of M Gopher Stadium and people outdoors for hours waiting to get a ticket. More ticket holders than seats due to the change of place.

We will be warm and cozy at home and for that I am truly grateful.

May your last days before Christmas be calm as they possibly can be....Mary and Emma

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