Obviously this is not Emma. It is my grand dog Lily and Sophia and my daughter Anna. I love this picture of them and you may have seen it before. I also love that they have so much fun in my yard. A weeping willow in the fall provides fine material to weave for a nature crown.
Anna is here today and overnight. Hurray for me. She is helping with yet more planting. It is a great night. I love time with my children. It is brightening my day.
Emma likes the extra attention and playmate. Anna is so good with Emma. Emma and I went to swimming and then to see a friends new one level condo. The friend had a dog who though smaller American Eskimo got a bit agressive with Emma though Emma was on a leash and being good. We calmed both dogs down and then the visit went fine. Petey the other dog sat on my friend's lap and Emma rested under a table - both on leashes. It surprised me to have the dog get so upset but it was okay in a few minutes.
We did not stay long so we could get a nap in. I had trouble sleeping but did rest. I am having a terrible time with MS pain so willl call the Doctor again tomorrow. I am guessing they will adjust medication like they did before. I also did stretches to see if that would help me out.
Today was a better day for my spirits.
Mary and Emma wish you a good day.
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