Two Weeks Till the WEdding
The day after Thanksgiving was fun. Mike, Tia, Rosa and Sophia and dog Lily slept over camping out on our living room floor and couches. They got to stay up late playing games and we got to wake up to their smiles. Greg made us a big breakfast.
Then it was time for me to sleep. This darn cold. Greg is so worried about me getting over it (which includes the asthma problems is stirs up) by the wedding. I am going to try to reach my clinic today.
So hey did you battle the crowds and shop? In our family Becky did go at 2 am. Among her finds were a $4 very nice dog bed for Emma to have in our living room. It is so nice Emma was using it all day. I will try to get a photo.
I am coughing a lot now so will try to write later. Thanks to my family for making the holiday specially. My husband made an awesome meal complete with enough leftovers to send home with my kids too if they wanted.
One thing that amazes me is how great Lily is when here (my grand dog). When I took the dogs outside Emma was so funny. She would venture into the yard to do her duty and just scope things out. Lily would do the same. Then before she came in Emma had to review Lily's footsteps almost she didn't want to miss anything that Lily smelled.
My children are good about taking the dogs out so they get out in the yard (with supervision) when they are here.
Have a good Saturday...Mary and Emma
I have heard some people can't get the pictures of blogspot blog to work for them. I willl for now blog both places.
I just had a good idea. Maybe we will bring this floor pillow with us to the church the day of the wedding. Emma will be there from 10:30 - 3:00 or so. It is Greg's work so we can easily find a place to put it for her during photo's, the women getting dresssed and so on... I will have to think about this...Mary
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving Day
Oops are you going to get two pictures? Hope you enjoyed the anticipation and celebration of Thanksgiving as much as our family has today...and our party is not over yet....
Anna came yesterday to sleep over and helped both then and in the morning. So fun also to chat with her. She is so great with Emma and takes her outside a lot too.
I had such issues with coughing and Asthma both yesterday and today...Greg who is the cheif on holidays for sure ordered me to take it easy. I slept late and even napped both days. His goal was for me to not end up in ER with problems.
Mike, Tia and Rosa (the angel above) came around noon as did Dan. They all joined us for dinner. See how excited Rosa is. At age two she does not want a high chair anymore either.
We did some clean up and watched videos, hung out and even snuck in some naps. Mike and Tia headed out to see her family.
Leftovers at dinner time. But is the party over? NO. It has been low key so far.
Dessert and party await at about 8:30. That's when birthday girl Becky and her husband to be Justin get back from out of town. We are hoping to have pie and let the games begin. My kids love to play games. Mike and family I think are going to camp out on a footon mattress on my living room floor. They are young I couldn't manage the floor at my age.
So I help this goes as planned. Even if it is more quiet it will be nice to celebrate with Emma. We cooked (Greg cooked) lots of extras so we can send home leftovers to all who want them. That is fun for us.
They are done watching a video a did not care to see... I am off to joing the party. Just did a nebulizer treatment so hoping that keeps my breathing calm.
This day has been wonderful...Emma is doing fine. Lily comes too (see photo yesterday) and Emma got so excited. Lily is perfect and fun to pet. Emma gets so excited and is so much bigger I think she overwhelms Lily a bit at first. But a trip outside together in the yard or just time together and all is well.
Have a great weekend.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A time of Thanks begins...
Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I am thinking of things I am thankful for. Even Emma will have a friend over. Lily, my son's dog will join us. See this cute picture. It was from one of the holidays when the kids were playing games. Lily is so good when she is here with Emma now that they are use to each other. Isn't she cute. you should hear Rosa say "lily or my lily" it is so darn cute.
I love holiday music and heard that on you can get a free download of christmas music to your computer. Ihope it is not to busy and that it works for my computer. How fun.
We got out today despite my cold. We visited my counselor , who helps me cope with life. Then had lunch with my friend Jan who did not teach school to me - she also helps me cope with life. Both helped me so much.
I hoped to be some help tonight with food prep but it makes me cough to do much at all. The cough is worse at nice and whn i cough a lot the asthma seems worse - or maybe the asthma is caused by the cough. Anna is here helping and she and Greg want me to take it easy tonight so I will do that.
I am thinking of the blesssings of my family, my wonderful Emma, my friends etc. A good thing to think about today too.
I am coughing a lot so going to go rest and try the inhaler it is time again to do that. My best wishes for a Happy Holiday. We will try to have time to write tomorrow also.
We are grateful for our readers...Mary and Emma
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
When the load is too heavy...
Sometimes things are just the pits and seem so hard to deal with.
One of the readers emailed me. I don't have a means to track her email and send back as it was via the blogstream blog I think.
It was important i thought so I am mentioning it in both blogs.
Reality everyone I know with MS has times when it is so tough to deal with.
One of the big problems of chronic illness is finances.
Insurance does not cover all the needs.
Many of us are unable to work or work on a very limited basis.
As the economy struggles this fact seems tough to deal with.
Money issues strain relationships.
I don't have great answers. For people with MS you might want to contact the MS Society. They have wonderful social workers who might be able to help you by listening, and by seeing if they have or know of any programs short or long term that might help you out. Calling them would be a good first step. They may know options. Also talking to them may help you understand that the problems you have are common with MS.
I have not been shy about indicating that one of Emma and my outings is to go to counseling. Fortunately I have insurance to cover my situation but some work on sliding scale. Again here the MS society might be able to help you out. I know it helps me cope.
Now all households are experiencing a bite in the budget due to economy. People are loosing jobs, fearful of loosing job, or the paycheck just doesn't cover the increased cost for food and other things.
That is not unique to people with MS.]
What I know is sometime I feel so guilty I can't work and bring in such limited income. On good days it might look like a MS person could work. The trouble is the cost you pay in your body. Fatigue is an issue. Employers want people they can count on all the time. That can be tough with the unpredicatability of MS. My doctor agrees that for many reasons I can't work and deal with MS.
If you decide to try to work be careful of the offers to work at home. I know MS people who have been scammed and out thousands of dollars because they thought an internet at home job was the answer. I did work a full year at home for a company but that was before my MS was like it is now. IT was great but it was legitimate. They did not ask me to invest any money at all, they had an office where I was trained, and a reputation. It was a start up company that went bankcrupt but helped me when my husband had cancer and surgery. I could work and be at home.
someone with MS once told me they had couple counseling. We do that also. We go montly. It helps us have a place to talk over things with someone trained present to help us sort through priorities, possible solutions. It has helped us out.
I guess whether you have MS or not reaching out to others is helpfully. You DON"T have to face it alone and sometimes it is impossible to find hope, creative solutions without help. Check with the MS society, inquire with your dr about a counselor, check with your church....don't try to handle it all alone. The load can be too heavy.
We have dear friends trying to avoid foreclosure due to loss of the husbands job. I know it is hard for them but they have accepted they might have to move into an apartment. With two teenage boys that sounds very hard to deal with. I think the one thing that keeps them going is a support group for the unemployed, their church and their friends.
I really feel the economic challenge this month. A 857 car bill, two crowns needed on my teeth were not expected. I think with costs on the rise just handling regular items in your budget are a challenge for most people right now. You are not alone
You are not alone so don't give up. It is not your fault if you cannot work or cannot find work. Try to believe things will improve. Reach out for help...I care.
One of the readers emailed me. I don't have a means to track her email and send back as it was via the blogstream blog I think.
It was important i thought so I am mentioning it in both blogs.
Reality everyone I know with MS has times when it is so tough to deal with.
One of the big problems of chronic illness is finances.
Insurance does not cover all the needs.
Many of us are unable to work or work on a very limited basis.
As the economy struggles this fact seems tough to deal with.
Money issues strain relationships.
I don't have great answers. For people with MS you might want to contact the MS Society. They have wonderful social workers who might be able to help you by listening, and by seeing if they have or know of any programs short or long term that might help you out. Calling them would be a good first step. They may know options. Also talking to them may help you understand that the problems you have are common with MS.
I have not been shy about indicating that one of Emma and my outings is to go to counseling. Fortunately I have insurance to cover my situation but some work on sliding scale. Again here the MS society might be able to help you out. I know it helps me cope.
Now all households are experiencing a bite in the budget due to economy. People are loosing jobs, fearful of loosing job, or the paycheck just doesn't cover the increased cost for food and other things.
That is not unique to people with MS.]
What I know is sometime I feel so guilty I can't work and bring in such limited income. On good days it might look like a MS person could work. The trouble is the cost you pay in your body. Fatigue is an issue. Employers want people they can count on all the time. That can be tough with the unpredicatability of MS. My doctor agrees that for many reasons I can't work and deal with MS.
If you decide to try to work be careful of the offers to work at home. I know MS people who have been scammed and out thousands of dollars because they thought an internet at home job was the answer. I did work a full year at home for a company but that was before my MS was like it is now. IT was great but it was legitimate. They did not ask me to invest any money at all, they had an office where I was trained, and a reputation. It was a start up company that went bankcrupt but helped me when my husband had cancer and surgery. I could work and be at home.
someone with MS once told me they had couple counseling. We do that also. We go montly. It helps us have a place to talk over things with someone trained present to help us sort through priorities, possible solutions. It has helped us out.
I guess whether you have MS or not reaching out to others is helpfully. You DON"T have to face it alone and sometimes it is impossible to find hope, creative solutions without help. Check with the MS society, inquire with your dr about a counselor, check with your church....don't try to handle it all alone. The load can be too heavy.
We have dear friends trying to avoid foreclosure due to loss of the husbands job. I know it is hard for them but they have accepted they might have to move into an apartment. With two teenage boys that sounds very hard to deal with. I think the one thing that keeps them going is a support group for the unemployed, their church and their friends.
I really feel the economic challenge this month. A 857 car bill, two crowns needed on my teeth were not expected. I think with costs on the rise just handling regular items in your budget are a challenge for most people right now. You are not alone
You are not alone so don't give up. It is not your fault if you cannot work or cannot find work. Try to believe things will improve. Reach out for help...I care.
That Darn Cough
The doctor yesterday said he thinks it is the asthma stirring up all this coughing - yuk. We were up a lot in the night. Emma faithfully gets up with me if I get up for any reason. We will need to rest today. I have some new medications to try to see if it helps.
More later ____Mary and Emma
More later ____Mary and Emma
Sunday, November 23, 2008
What Emma Means to Me - our 2007 Speech
In 2007 Emma and I were speakers at the Helping Paws Tail Waggin' Fund Raiser. If the above works you can view my speech. Emma means more to me each day. Happy Viewing. Mary and Emma
Saturday, November 22, 2008
My first thoughts about having Emma
I was wondering what I wrote on my earliest post in October of 2005. Now my blog has been read over 25,500 times. Some of you have read it from the begging.
This captures some of my thoughts even before training started. Thought you might be interested.
Waiting for my service dog
October 6, 2005
My first service dog. I am disabled due to Multiple Sclerosis and looking forward to this helper dog and companion. I am working with I have met my dog named Emma. She is a yellow lab and specializes in retrieving. I have had a dog but am wondering if it will be an adjustment to have a bigger dog. I know it will be unique to have a well trained service dog. This is exciting and will help me be more independent. I already get many questions about what a service dog can do for me. I hope to write about our life together. Maybe it will help those interested in service dogs and also dog lovers. It sure has stirred up interest among my friends with Multiple Sclerosis, my family, relatives, and other friends. You are welcome to write with questions or comments or your own dog stories.
There is a neat story about the women who trained Emma. I use to teach her children in a small school in Minnesota. Due to the size of the school I got to know the parents well. Judy was a wonderful parent volunteer with artistic talent and loved to volunteer to do special art projects in the classroom. When I had to leave teaching due to my progressing disability with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) she understood and shared my tears. It was sad for my students, parents and myself as i had to leave mid year. I left for a sick leave in Dec and never imagined that was the end of a teaching career.It was sure coincidence that she trained the dog. She was not on the team that helps match the people with the dogs. It w after the fact we found out and both cried. Her children were excited about that news also.
I am having some problems with the MS these past weeks but resting and on medications to help me improve. I can't wait to work with Emma. They say the dogs pick the owners in many ways. She really liked working with me. I can promise her a nice loving home. My friends and family are eager to welcome her into our lives. I feel like little girl waiting for Christmas. I am learning 75 doggy cues that were sent to me - my kids and husband kid about if WE are smart enough for the dog.
This captures some of my thoughts even before training started. Thought you might be interested.
Waiting for my service dog
October 6, 2005
My first service dog. I am disabled due to Multiple Sclerosis and looking forward to this helper dog and companion. I am working with I have met my dog named Emma. She is a yellow lab and specializes in retrieving. I have had a dog but am wondering if it will be an adjustment to have a bigger dog. I know it will be unique to have a well trained service dog. This is exciting and will help me be more independent. I already get many questions about what a service dog can do for me. I hope to write about our life together. Maybe it will help those interested in service dogs and also dog lovers. It sure has stirred up interest among my friends with Multiple Sclerosis, my family, relatives, and other friends. You are welcome to write with questions or comments or your own dog stories.
There is a neat story about the women who trained Emma. I use to teach her children in a small school in Minnesota. Due to the size of the school I got to know the parents well. Judy was a wonderful parent volunteer with artistic talent and loved to volunteer to do special art projects in the classroom. When I had to leave teaching due to my progressing disability with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) she understood and shared my tears. It was sad for my students, parents and myself as i had to leave mid year. I left for a sick leave in Dec and never imagined that was the end of a teaching career.It was sure coincidence that she trained the dog. She was not on the team that helps match the people with the dogs. It w after the fact we found out and both cried. Her children were excited about that news also.
I am having some problems with the MS these past weeks but resting and on medications to help me improve. I can't wait to work with Emma. They say the dogs pick the owners in many ways. She really liked working with me. I can promise her a nice loving home. My friends and family are eager to welcome her into our lives. I feel like little girl waiting for Christmas. I am learning 75 doggy cues that were sent to me - my kids and husband kid about if WE are smart enough for the dog.
We had fun at the MS Convention today. We were there from about 9-3. The day tired me out and came home to nap before and after dinner and dishes. Up quick to calm down my coughing and then back to bed. There was a dinner tonight but we did not attend obviously. Part of the time we were at the Helping Paws booth and also helped with a Helping Paws short presentation. Met many interested people. Watch out Eileen and staff you might get some inquiries about service dog applications. That is of course why we were there. To educate individuals on how a service dog might help them deal with Multiple Sclerosis.
We also enjoyed the friendly faces of MS Staff, volunteers and people who attend camp with us. It is heart warming and so uplifting to meet all these individuals. It was very well organized and informative.
We are off to bed. Emma was lonesome I guess. I woke up to her kisses. I mean licking and licking me ha ha. I tried to ignore her and pretend i was still sleeping at first. Then I wondered if she needed to go potty or something. Once we got up I realized all she wanted was my company. I do need to take her out though now before bed.
YOU HAVE TO LAUGH AT THIS - Rosa (granddaughter age 2) loves to talk on the phone to us, to her Auntie Anna. Yesterday I heard her saying "talk to Anna" and then "talk". I looked and she was holding the phone very properly up to Emma's ear. Emma looked puzzled but was cooperating. She was so darn cute. It made me laugh. I tried to grab my camera to capture the moment but couldn't move fast enough. Our dear dear Rosa and Sophia brighten our days. This happened Friday.
Hope you enjoy your weekend. Mary and Emma
We also enjoyed the friendly faces of MS Staff, volunteers and people who attend camp with us. It is heart warming and so uplifting to meet all these individuals. It was very well organized and informative.
We are off to bed. Emma was lonesome I guess. I woke up to her kisses. I mean licking and licking me ha ha. I tried to ignore her and pretend i was still sleeping at first. Then I wondered if she needed to go potty or something. Once we got up I realized all she wanted was my company. I do need to take her out though now before bed.
YOU HAVE TO LAUGH AT THIS - Rosa (granddaughter age 2) loves to talk on the phone to us, to her Auntie Anna. Yesterday I heard her saying "talk to Anna" and then "talk". I looked and she was holding the phone very properly up to Emma's ear. Emma looked puzzled but was cooperating. She was so darn cute. It made me laugh. I tried to grab my camera to capture the moment but couldn't move fast enough. Our dear dear Rosa and Sophia brighten our days. This happened Friday.
Hope you enjoy your weekend. Mary and Emma
Friday, November 21, 2008
Video night
I am writing quick on Friday night. Rosa and Sophia re here. They are cuddled up watching a video and Emma is cozy too. I love Friday nights when they can join us for fun, kisses, hugs, playing toys, and reading books. It is so enjoyable.
We went to the movie (Emma and I and friend with MS) called The Boy in Striped Pajamas. It was well done but has sad moments.
I am glad I saw it. it involves the time of Hitler. I don't want to say a lot to ruin the story. It does demonstrate how two young boys are impacted by the time of concentration also shows the various points of view of adults at the time. There beliefs and actions. i found it very very thought provoking. A friend of mine says some Junior High teachers are going to see it and determine if they will use it in school to discuss that time in history.
Off to play with the girls. We are having a good day. I did not sleep well at all last night during coughing so I certainly hope I get more sleep tonight. tomorrow is the State MS Society Convention. I will be at the Helping Paws booth from 11- Noon.
Take care, Mary and Emma
We went to the movie (Emma and I and friend with MS) called The Boy in Striped Pajamas. It was well done but has sad moments.
I am glad I saw it. it involves the time of Hitler. I don't want to say a lot to ruin the story. It does demonstrate how two young boys are impacted by the time of concentration also shows the various points of view of adults at the time. There beliefs and actions. i found it very very thought provoking. A friend of mine says some Junior High teachers are going to see it and determine if they will use it in school to discuss that time in history.
Off to play with the girls. We are having a good day. I did not sleep well at all last night during coughing so I certainly hope I get more sleep tonight. tomorrow is the State MS Society Convention. I will be at the Helping Paws booth from 11- Noon.
Take care, Mary and Emma
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Time For Family
The holiday seasons remind me of how important family will be. Emma is not in this picture but was there. This was one of our last celebrations of Christmas with my own mother. One of my brothers is not there. It made me cry when i came upon it tonight. This will be the second christmas without her. I think i miss more that she would have enjoyed hearing about Becky's wedding...but even at Mike and Tia's she was not well enough to attend. Still she loved hearing about it, seeing the pictues and so on. I miss my mom. I bet some of you might blink a tear as you miss yours too. The older I get the more understanding I have of my mom's strengths and weaknesses...the more I forgive things that angered me...the more I remember her sense of humor, her appreciaton of books and so many things that influenced my live.
I don't want this to be a sad blog post. I want it just to be a reminder to me (and maybe you?) to appreciate the presence of family, and friends who seem like family in our lives. They help me appreciate all that I have to be thankful for..their support, their kindness, the shared memories and so much more.
My daughters upcoming wedding has caused me to do a lot of thinking on this. I will miss my brother Den and his family who live in Portland. As i hear of the rsvps and my siblings, their children (her cousins) and even (I am so fortunate) my great neices and nephews who will join us I am just so thrilled. They cannot possible know how much it means to me to share this very joyful event with people who have shared our history. I was thinking about when Becky was born and the reactions of her Aunts, Uncles and cousins and family friends. How much all of them mean to me as we all have shared the journey of these decades the joys and sorrows and how all that enriches all our lives.
It is of course Becky's wedding and I sure don't want to be labeled the mother who made it "her" wedding or who interfered to much (I think Becky is the type who sure would let me know if I did). Having the celebration and having so many there just means the world to me. I keep writing but why can't I capture in words what my tears of joy trickling down my face what to express?
My children and Justin's siblings are the attendants in the wedding and of course Sophia (my granddaughter) also. I think that is a testimony of how close both Becky and Justin are to there family. How special that is at this time. For our side of the family we are fortunate that they all live in town. yeah for that.
I should note that my siblings do not all get together for Thanksgiving or Christmas. We all have our own families and grandchildren. Den does not come home to MN. I think again this year we are trying for a family brunch before or after the holiday for those who can make it. we keep it simple though - real simple. Maybe that is why it means so much to me that we can all be at the wedding.
The Weinands (Greg has nine siblings) hopefully will come to the wedding. Two are out of town so they will be unlikely so that is not all. With 7 families in town that should be a good group though also. We are way over 70? in number with kids, wives/husbands, grandkids etc but do gather usually at Christmas but not on the date.
We will miss Greg's sister Sharon at the wedding. She died of cancer a few years ago. She kept encouraging Becky and Justin to get married before she died but the time was right for them and she knew that. She really always had such a big heart for family and we know will be looking down from us from Heaven.
Oh gosh I am so emotional. Am I nuts? No appreciative of family...over the holidays i hope you have family and friends to share the special will be in my prayers.
Emma has the stangest look - like when do we go back to bed? I was up coughing so sat up to settle it down... off to bed. Yeah I can sleep late if the coughing tames down...Mary and Emma
Holiday Music?
Two of the radio stations around here are playing christmas and holiday music nonstop. I am not annoyed like some because I like the music of Christmas. I have it on my own ipod too so I actually started a few days before they did...can you believe that?
The picture is of Emma with a Santa hat in her mouth to hand to me...the foot is mine ha ha. I thought she looked so cute I kept the picture despite my foot.
I can hardly think of Christmas because we have the wedding coming up Dec. 13th. What a fun day that will be. Becky and Justin are handling most of the details (and expense) themselves but there are little things I can do to help now and then. It is just what is on my mind.
Yesterday Emma and I had time with Rosa and Sophia, Mike and Tia. What fun. Rosa can say gandma...yeah with the g sound. She said first "my gandma" and smothered me with kisses and hugs. That was wonderful. She said gandma so much and it was music to my ears. Sophia is getting so big. My living room furniture and things are all still put away as there is some finishing work to be done on the floors. Resulting in toys being tucked away too...I dug out a few but will find more soon I hope. Sophia is getting so big we have to revisit what things she likes to play with here. She likes to read but you guessed it the bookcase and books are not there now either. I love when she reads to Rosa.
Sophia loves playing with Rosa. Emma watched as they played but does not try to chase them or get in the way. That is a good thing for a service dog. She seems to like when they come over.
THE DENTIST _ Emma and I went to the dentist today. My tooth broke off in the back and actually had cut into my tongue..ouch ouch. It has hurt for a few days and made it hard to eat. So guess who is getting a crown? Emma was very good on a blanket in the corner as they worked on me. At one point they paused to let something dry I think and she came over and nuzzled my hand. I could assure her by my touch that I was okay. Yes we can communicate without words as I just couldn't talk at that point. Then she went back to her blanket and was just fine.
We took a long nap and now I am going to have her help with laundry. Time to work Emma. Have a nice evening
Mary and Eamm
Thanks for reading this blog.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Feelign better
I will write more tomorrow. Felt better during the day compared to yesterday. I am coughing a bit more tonight but the day wasn't too to bed more details tomorrow. Not sure if I will swim it will depend on how the night goes and my cough and congestion...Emma and Mary
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Home Sick
Mary is sick with a cold/cough and congestion. My goodness she has slept almost all day. I was glad to get outside and work off some energy. Sounds like some chicken soup and more rest is needed today...I will take good care of her...Emma
Monday, November 17, 2008
Out and About a Bit Today

Hello from Emma and Mary
This is a picture of Emma at MS Camp, I am thinking of camp because this weekend is the MS convention. We will be going on Saturday assuming all goes as planned. I will be at the Helping Paws Booth from 11-1 but also at the convention. I want to hear the speakers and chat with friends from camp and other MS gatherings. Fun to see a summer picture on a cooler November day.
We got out of the house today. I (Mary) woke up with a cold and cough. Nothing creeps up on me. Bamm I just cough like I have something serious (though I usually don't). I cough so loud and so often. pain in the neck and throat. Greg went to PT and we got to shop a bit all by ourselves at the grocery store next door. Since I don't drive - I don't get out alone often. Got a few needed items.
We also went to the bank, out for a quick lunch, and to another store. Then home for a long nap. Maybe it will help the cold or whatever this is. Greg needed to try walking and being out and oh he got tired and sore though. Tomorrow he has to go to work for awhile. I hope it is not too hard on him.
Emma was a bit stubborn out and about. Mostly fine but would not pick up my cane, or do some of the other things that she usually is quick to do. I don't know why she seemed to get distracted. She walked with me fine, did the movements like walk behind, walk at my side, and other things just fine so that is good. We will practice the cane at home tonight with extra reinforcement (treats and verbal praise. She did well though getting her nails trimmed at Pet Co - she does not like that but cooperated well. Greg takes her in rather than me. She rests her head on him and calms down. She does that better than with me I think because he can bend down (they do it on the floor) better than I can
The temperature is a lot colder 20's part of today with a brisk wind. I need to fetch out my winter coats and clothes now. For awhile the sun was out and that was nice.
My garden needs to be cleaned out. Everything is dead now due to the cold temps and it looks pathetic, Some things need to be pulled out, roses cut back, but we don't strip it bare. If we do we loose soil in the winter. We keep some things in till fall to hold the soil in. It makes me kind of sad to see the garden with everything dead.
Things must smell to Emma in the yard. She is having a great time outdoors despite the weather. She did not want to play ball but did want to move about smelling things. The fenced in yard is delightful for us.
I better try cough medicine again. Hope all is well with you.
Mary and Emma
Sunday, November 16, 2008
You get double the same photo because I goofed. I don't know how to delete the second you MS people are NOT seeing double. I goofed.
Truth is I never imagined on those special days really how special Emma would be in my life.
Truth is I never imagined on those special days really how special Emma would be in my life.
This is one of the first pictures with Emma. I believe it was our first day of training together. It was taken outside Helping Paws.
Isn't she a beautiful dog. It was like i had to pinch myself to believe it was real. This beautiful well trained dog was about to enter my life. She was to be my partner in such a special way. I could not then though really imagine how life changing Emma would be for myself and my family. We love her. I love her. What a wonderful dog.
This is a picture from graduation. Emma and I are surrounded by Judy, Steve, Katie, and Jack Michurski her foster family. Judy was her first MOM and Emma still gets so excited when she sees her. How awesome that for two and one half years they trained Emma, socialized Emma and gave her the tlc and confidence she needed to serve as a service dog. I am sure the moment was filled with mixed emotions. They had to say goodbye to Emma but also got to see that they succeeded in training her to be a first class service dog. Michael could not be there.
Some of you may not know that I was a teacher to Jack and Michael in my last place of teaching. When I left teaching due to Multiple Sclerosis problems Judy had said "someday I will find a way to help you with MS". Our paths seperated. I had no idea that she was at helping paws or had trained a dog. She did not get to decide who got to be with Emma. What a delight for both of us when they told me I could have Emma and asked me to meet the person who trained her. It was Judy. Boy did I shed a lot of tears of joy and gratitude.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Emma and I seem to sleep a lot some days. Emma likes her "baby" and yes in the winter I often cover her up. What can I say?? Emma is my treasured companion and I want to make her comfortable. She is such a sweetheart in my life.
Today we went to breakfast with my sister, and Becky (bride to be) and oh that was really really enjoyable. We were home the rest of the day. I read a bit but did not get much done. We were tired today. I did a few little things around the house but not really very much at all. I am on a new medication schedule due to spacisity. I have been finding it almost impossible to stand at times. One morning I actually had to slide out of bed to the floor and crawl for awhile. I mention it not to complain but to tell fellow MS people it can happen. The medication baclophen is now taken in increased dose. The trouble for me was so much spasm I could not stand my legs were like in knots. But it does make me a bit more tired. I hope I get use to it.
You should see Emma's face when I have to crawl. She thinks I want to play. Then wants to lick my face with kisses. She keeps me laughing she is so sweet. Today I am happy to say I managed to be on my feet all day. Funny you don't appreciate it till you can't manage it. MS sure teaches me to appreciate many things in my life.
More than anything I appreciate my family, my husband, my children and their spouses, and of course my sister, brothers and my dear sweet Emma who is with me 24/7 through thick and thin, In the good and hard times.
Hope you have sweet dreams. Emma and Mary
Friday, November 14, 2008
Hungry? Thirsty?
This is one of my favorite pictures of Emma. It was taken the first Thanksgiving she shared with us. How can you resist those cute eyes. Normally I don't miss having a full water dish at all times - but if I do - she brings it to me. Morning meal she is more patient but in the evening she usually has the dish at mealtime. About 5 pm and you could use her as an alarm clock. Sometimes she would like to eat sooner but I can get her to wait. If we are busy she will eat later but if we are just relaxing she sure hears her tummy rumble. What a girl.
Today we got out of the house. I went to get groceries thanks to my son Michael who also took his dad to the doctor. Later in the day Emma and I went with my friend Jan to get medicines for Greg, and for our once in awhile "let's celebrate it's Friday: outing. We could call it happy hour but it is with diet pepsi and iced tea. We went to Biaggi's in Maple Grove. It is my favorite place for Italian food. Today we shared a bread pudding. Okay it was the best I ever tasted. It is really big enough for at least 3...yummy.
Emma was so good there the man in the booth next to me came over. He looked below the table and said to his wife "I told you there was a dog here". He said I think she thought I lost my marbles. He was so pleased to see Emma. Later one of the hosts came by to say "was there a dog here the entire time". I love those compliments so much.
Greg is doing better. The physical therapists told him he can do a little more now. But I think he did too much sitting and he ended up with some tough back pain again. He has to take it more gradual I think.
Yeah it is Friday. Hope you have a good weekend...Finally got my halloween decorations out of the yard.
Take care, Emma and Mary
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Emma on Duty
I forgot to mention here that Emma is on duty . I went to bed earlier than Greg last night. I could say to him "If you need me and I don't hear you - send Emma for me." and YES he did do just that. Emma is attentive to her name even if in the room with me. She got up I think because she heard Greg. He told her to go get Mary and she came to wake me. How does she do that. First she nuzzles me from the floor. Poking at my arm or side. Same technique she uses if she has to go out at night (rare event) but if as I wake up she really becomes more assertive and I knew she meant business.
Greg did need some help. Emma got a treat for being so alert and hard working. She is a great dog.
She has had to pick up more things than normal today for me and for Greg. She is so wonderful.
With it dark early we do not go outside as much in the evening hours. I am finding I have to play with her toys, we practice commands/cues (which she thinks is a game) and give her a lot of attention. She seems to need that at night. I think in the summer we are outside or go for walks (me in the scooter) in the evening. Or go outside to sit and visit with neighbors.
Yeah for Emma. Are you up to helping me with laundry tonight? (getting clothes out of the dryer, handing clothes to me one at a time from the basket as I am folding) or should we relax and wait till tomorrow? Oh how I wish she could also put it away ha ha.
Time for us to go outside again. We wish you a good day - Mary and Emma
Greg did need some help. Emma got a treat for being so alert and hard working. She is a great dog.
She has had to pick up more things than normal today for me and for Greg. She is so wonderful.
With it dark early we do not go outside as much in the evening hours. I am finding I have to play with her toys, we practice commands/cues (which she thinks is a game) and give her a lot of attention. She seems to need that at night. I think in the summer we are outside or go for walks (me in the scooter) in the evening. Or go outside to sit and visit with neighbors.
Yeah for Emma. Are you up to helping me with laundry tonight? (getting clothes out of the dryer, handing clothes to me one at a time from the basket as I am folding) or should we relax and wait till tomorrow? Oh how I wish she could also put it away ha ha.
Time for us to go outside again. We wish you a good day - Mary and Emma

Now that is not Emma or Mary. It is one of my wonderful granddaughters - Rosa on her second birthday playing in the leaves in our yard. What a cutie. She likes Emma and gives her hugs. She has to be careful though, if Emma gets excited her tail still might knock Rosa over. I am glad they are buddies.
The fall leaves have mostly fallen now. We had snow again two days ago but it did not stay on the ground long. It was long enough for Emma to have fun rolling in it. this winter I will try to get pictures of Emma in the snow...she just loves putting her face right in it. She is a hoot.
We will be home all day today. Greg is feeling better but good to have someone around till I see how he is doing. He is in less pain - hurray and is sleeping comfortably. What a blessing it is to see him with less pain. I hope this gradual recovery continues. He says he has slept so much in two weeks he figure he should be able to go days or weeks with out sleeping. Truth is he needs sleep to recover and it is also a result of his medications.
This picture is also to remind you to have some fun today. It is kind of wet n ow but Emma and I did go out in the yard so she could play. It was brisk bur refreshing. I guess tomorrow is suppose to be very very cold.
Have a good day. Here is Emma playing with Rosa when she was a baby.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
On duty day and night - Emma

This is a photo of Emma helping me at Barnes and Noble when we did gift wrapping to benefit Helping Paws. Gift wrapping is free but donations are accepted. There is a reason why I am making sure some of my older pictures (this from 2005) get on this site.
This picture reminds me of how much Emma helps me in so many ways. Today i seem to be unable to grasp and maintain a hold on things. I often have weakness like this in my hands especially if I am tired. Emma to the rescue picking up things for me.
Today she is a sleepy doggy. Why? Because was up. Greg did better than I did. Emma will get up with me. I am so much pain and leg spasms. I was just miserable all night. I have a call into my doctor about that. I see them in about two weeks but they will maybe help with meds. I mention not to complain but to let MS readers know that this happends. Also to demonstrate how much she helps us. Most of all to let you know she is on duty 24/7.
When we get up at night, she follows me if I am trying to walk off the spasms, stetch, take a warm bath or whatever. Then often i sit up a bit on the couch and she snuggles with her head in my lap. Now her presence is good medicine regardless of what it is that is bothering me. When I get back to bed she is right there in her bed (next to mine) or hops on and sleeps at my feet. She is such a good source of help and comfort.
Just got home from Greg's PT appt. Dear daughter Becky took some time off work to drive us. Due to some vision and MS problems I rarely drive now. Waiting for my MS clinic to call me to see if I need a med change or something...
Thanks for the notes from regular readers who found this web site. Will be fun to get more pictures on the blog.
Off for a nap, mary and Emma
Hope you have a good day
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Look at Those Loving Eyes
Welcome to All
Peek A Boo - did you find us? Some of you are new and others followed us from our other blog. Okay should the tile be Mary and Emma Service Dog Team? Well just to be sure Emma is the dog and Mary the human.
Welcome to new readers and thanks for joining us to those who have followed our life journey since 2005. Yes I have had my wonderful Emma for three years. She still amazes me and I love her now more than ever.
For the time being I will post here and the almost the same on this site
Why are we moving? I am having trouble with sharing photos on the other site. This gives me some creative options. Also the other site is having some problems for me in posting and others in reaching me.
So all those past blogs. I am going to have to somehow save the ones from my first days with Emma and in team training where I learned what Emma already knew. I have a hard copy but not all. i better go back and fetch (love that choice of word) some of my favorite posts.
I do complain sometimes but hope I do show that I do try to deal with Multiple Sclerosis without giving up. Emma of course helps me do that.
More later. Husband Greg has back injury and Nurse Emma and Mary have to go help him. Yes Emma knows I am her boos (head dog) but she is also helping with some things with Greg. Afterall he helps with her care when i have bad MS days and enjoys her company when we are home together.
Welcome to new readers and thanks for joining us to those who have followed our life journey since 2005. Yes I have had my wonderful Emma for three years. She still amazes me and I love her now more than ever.
For the time being I will post here and the almost the same on this site
Why are we moving? I am having trouble with sharing photos on the other site. This gives me some creative options. Also the other site is having some problems for me in posting and others in reaching me.
So all those past blogs. I am going to have to somehow save the ones from my first days with Emma and in team training where I learned what Emma already knew. I have a hard copy but not all. i better go back and fetch (love that choice of word) some of my favorite posts.
I do complain sometimes but hope I do show that I do try to deal with Multiple Sclerosis without giving up. Emma of course helps me do that.
More later. Husband Greg has back injury and Nurse Emma and Mary have to go help him. Yes Emma knows I am her boos (head dog) but she is also helping with some things with Greg. Afterall he helps with her care when i have bad MS days and enjoys her company when we are home together.
helping paws,
multiple sclerosis,
service dogs,
therapy dogs
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