Thursday, August 19, 2010

MS Luncheon

Today I went to the MS On The Move Luncheon - a fund raiser. Sadly, Emma stayed home but she napped and did fine. My friend had two car seats in her car and so we did not take Emma. Emma does have to practice staying home once in awhile and did fine the few hours we were gone. She snuggled me tight for a nap when I got home.

The interesting and amusing things is those I knew at the luncheon are use to me being with Emma. In fact, some of the MS Community/Staff too remember Emma's name more easily than mine. So i got lots of inquiries about why she wasn't there. Her behavior would have been just fine - it just turned out this way.

My eyes and headache bothered me some today but definitely are better. I think when I have no headache at all I will be shocked. My own MS Specialist and his staff were there so they all asked how I was doing. Dr. Calkwood was so glad to hear that I was doing better. I have to stay in touch and see him in a few weeks to check on things.

Emma was glad to be outside in the yard with me today several times. It is not that warm for MN but still humid. To me that seems odd as normally it gets hot when I notice humidity. They think it will rain. Hopefully not on the baseball game. The MS Twins I THINK have there final game with Chicago in the continual race for first place in our division. I am a baseball fan for sure.

Greg is home so better work on dinner. Emma already ate so she is good. I think we will be home now for a few days. Hope all is well with you and your family.

Emma and Mary

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