Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Emma has been doing great. She enjoys the snow, helping me, and snoozing when it is time to nap. No problem she is great.

We had book club monday, and water exercise Tuesday. I am having trouble with my eyes again. The pain and photo sensitivity lessened but as the amount of medicine to take decreases they are getting much worse. Or seem that way. Light is very painful. Bummer we have had some sunny days and I have to keep the blinds down and wear sunglasses. The Dr. office will call back tomorrow with info on what to do as our next step. I hope I can handle water exercise if I wear dark glasses. If this becomes chronic I need darker sunglasses I think.

Some of the time I have to lay in the dark with a cloth over my eyes to cope with the pain and headache. Emma is so good to cudddle up next to me. She is also good to wake me after just so long which is good. We tend to her bathroom needs, I check the blood sugar, or feed her depending on what is needed. How I treasure having her with me.

Sorry if this is complaining. It explains why I am not writing more. Getting out for book club was very nice. We read "Still Alice" and all liked it. The upcoming book is "Look Again" and captivating in a different way. I am glad I did a bunch of reading while my eyes were not so sore. I know they will be better soon. Water exercise feels so good though the water is cool. The exercise to help our muscles is so good for us. It is a gentle but steady one hour work out and so good for us with MS. That means it relaxes body and muscles and we sleep with less pain.

We are going to see my son Mike and his daughter Rosa tonight. That will be fun. I will lay down if my eyes get to painful or the headache too strong. I should have fun with them though.

Thanks for thinking of me. I like the emails I get. Take good care.

Emma and Mary

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