Thursday, September 24, 2009

TWO Dr appointments today. Emma was perfect. She was with me for one and with Greg for the other. The second was an appointment with the lung dr including some breathing tests and she does not like them. So she stays with Greg at least part of the time. It is distracting for me if she does not want to stay in her drop and upsetting for her. I think because they are rather loud as they command me to breath in and blast it out. Anyway this works for us.

Our next stop now is Greg's work. Taking me home made no sense from a time factor so we are using the computer and I brought a book while he wraps up some things. He needs to do some errands for work that I can help with. The teacher in me is thrilled to go shop for bulletin board decorations and some other supplies. We also have another errand or two to go depending how I hold up. Then yep home for a late afternoon nap.

They tested my bypap machine and were surprised at how much i sleep each day. The computer card on it gives them info. Gosh were they surprised. I blame it on MS. Yet I don't know if t hat is acccurate.

I am pleased we have a plan of attack for the upcoming 6 weeks when I will be checked again. some medication changes ...........and also discussed what to do if I get a cold, bronchitis or the flu. In MN the flu season and cold season is around the corner. I do not what to get pneumonia twice like last year.

We still are making sure Emma gets outside today. Greg walked her this am besides running in the yard. She will walk as we do errands and we plan a walk with me on the scooter. Fall means colder days will come so motivates us to get outside and enjoy the weather as much as we can.

Have a good day....Mary

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