Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bqck from Majestic Shores Resort

The setting was Camp Courage near Maple Lake Mn. The event was the gathering on 85 MS individuals and many many volunteers. It was such fun to be at the camp. The experience is now called a "resort" because of changes both in philosophy and in the operation of what was formerly called MS Camp. It was fun with a mood that you should be pampered and relaxed while enjoying a wide variety og activities both structured and unstructured. It was lots of fun for Emma an

Emma is tired from being outdoors and having extra walks and activities. I made sure she and I had some nap time daily but she walked a great deal. She is resting at my feet, under the desk at this time. How peaceful she it.

One of the problems at camp was Emma got so itchy. She was red on her tummy. I called the vets office and got instruction on washing it well. If that doe snot make it better by Friday, then I am going to have to take her to the vet office. I wish I could put cortaid or something on it - but she would lick it off anyway. I don't think that is good for her. Glad she seems calmer today.

We are tired and I need a nap also. More later. Emma was a great camper and added a lot of joy to my days. Max and Nani (spelling) were other helping paws dogs at this event.

Therapy dogs also came out to visit. It was awesome... Mary and Emma

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