Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hi On Saturday

Sorry I haven't blogged for a few days. Life has been uneventful except for my son moving.

I am out of kleenix due to mixed emotions as my youngest son Dan moves to San Francisco.
I encourage you to check out to see where he will work and this new idea for keeping in contact with others.
Soon he will have short videos, my kids too, and hopefully Emma and I.
It is free.

I hope to see Danny again tonight but Greg is not feeling very good so not sure.
We do plan to see him Sunday for breakfast early before his flight. All my children and grandchildren hope to be there.
I know this is a great opportunity for him but boy will I miss him. I don't have much funds to go visit and besides I will miss visiting him in Uptown of Mpls...yes so much closer to see him ha ha.
Becky reminds me I taught my kids to dream big and so I off he goes to follow his dream...a creative, exciting job opportunity.

Was so hot this week. Today warm but not so humid. I think it might reach almost 90 but not so humid. I was able to sit outside awhile with Emma insread of just watching her from the patio door. We also hope to get her to Target or somewhere today or Sunday to walk in the cool. Roads are pretty ripped up around here. Emma and I both need change of scenary. Maybe I will feel better this week - I keep hoping - so we can go back to water exercise and just get out of the house more. I need that.

Emma is the greatest company ever though. I am so very very glad to have her in my life.

Have a good weekend. Mary

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