Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hi All,

We will be home - mostly resting or sleeping for at least a few days. Dr. orders. New medication to try to see if it helps with the breathing issues and chest pains. I am so tired of being easily out of breath.

Emma is good company. She is content to be so close to me no matter if we go out or stay at home. It has been a quiet week. Well today she apparently didn't feel well. She cuddled close to me in bed. Normal than usual - and threw up!!!

Not a lot thank goodness. And I don't know why. She then wanted to sleep and did. Even now I took her outside to play and she was out there with me only a bit and wanted to come in. I am sure she will be fine.

She has endeared herself to my regular doctors and nurses who care for me. Last week in the hospital she was the hit of the days there. Tuesday night we were at the hospital again but this time to hear a speaking event. I saw a nurse who cared for me and exclaimed "how is Emma?" She is unforgettable.

So we are waiting for eyes to calm down a bit. I think now this is at least in part a MS flare up. I have books to read. I am told to take it easy. See what each day brings. Put on prednisone which usually helps at least until they taper me off it. We will see if this time it does the trick. I also will have alergy testing in two weeks among other appointments.

Greg is being awesome like always. He has to arrange his calendar for upcoming dr appointments but has a job with flexible hours and most times he puts in well over 40 in a week in any case.

ROSA came to visit last night. Grandpa Greg brought her and she came in joyfully. "Grandma I got Flowers for You".
Isn't that sweet. I cried. She hugged me lots and played nice. Then we ate supper and watched a movie. She cuddled up tight to me. That was wonderful medicine though it makes Emma a bit jealous.

Rosa also was so excited I had a pedicure earlier in the week paid for by a friend who drove me. Rosa was so thrilled it was hysterical her reaction.

So see i am resting but a long long nap meant I am able to write today. MS can be challenging if that is what is all or partially causing this. One day at a time.

Emma is sleeping already but would want to say "Have a good day".

Mary and Emma

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