Friday, October 15, 2010

We are so boring right now. I am rest rest and resting now. Changing position though to keep the pain tolerable in my arm and neck. Greg is giving Emma extra outdoor time with him and I am managing to get her outside too when alone. I have physical therapy again Monday and an easy weekend planned.

It is a pretty sunny but a bit cooler fall day. Emma is loving the leaves and just playing in the yard. I can't toss things to her now to fetch outside but she manages to have fun smelling and scampering around.

Last night she just on her own brought me a blanket (hers) and a remote control while I relaxed in the recliner. Isn't she funny and precious. She is eager to help.

It is a bit hard to even type so will keep this short. We are coping one day at a time and will know more next week.

Emma and Mary hope you have a good weekend.

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