Monday, July 9, 2012

Hi in the wee morning hours,

Dear Emma,

I love this picture of you with one of my granddaughters Rosa.  She loves you but I think at the moment this taken you were also a bit jealous of her.  That happens when she first arrives.  Then it all works out plus you are a bit jealous when she sleeps with us in my bed.  Or out bed. Even with Greg in other room Rosa likes to sleep so close to me and you seem to want to be closer than normal also.
Yet it works out.  She likes to help me take you out,  to pet you.  To toss you a toy and since she has her own dog too is very good with them.   When she left after an overnight on Friday she said "Emma take care of Grandma now while I am gone".  she and all the family know how important you are to me.

The home health care know you too.  Since there are stairs they call me when they arrive and then walk in.  You don't bark or anything when I say it is okay.   You are so cute showing off.  You always quick retrieve something to show off your skill.  Today you got a wash cloth and parading around for them to see .  Then you bring it to me and obediently go lay down in your bed in view of what is going on for sure.  They are impressed when they see you retrieve or something for me while they are here. So fun to show you off.
Today you handled the oxygen person who refills tank,  a nurse visit,  and a team of occupational therapists who came.  Thanks so much for that Emma.

The only thing you did today remarkable other than above was throw up.  No photo there ha ha.  Please stay well Emma ,  I worry as you age.  You rarely ever throw up for me and so i worry but you seem fine.  No idea why or anything.  Thanks Emma for being the greatest dog ever.  Our doggie friend Molly may come for a visit tomorrow and that would be nice.  Depends on how the day goes for my friend LuAnn.  Would be fun for both of us to have early evening visitor if that works for her.

Love you so much  Emma,

A nebulizer treatment and we are back to bed.      Mary

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